The JamJam Can! Workshop Packages

At TriLife Education we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life, irrespective of their ability or disability. View our packages below!


Children were engaged throughout, even the children who find it challenging, context was perfect”

Janet Renolds - Parent

"Fantastic session very informative and interactive with an important message"

Julie Brown - Parent

"Thank you for the informative session! I especially liked the music and felt like the children were truly engaged and can't wait to meet JamJam."

Marcus Li - Teacher

Professional Experience

Serena Pascall is the author of JamJam Can! She has a BA (Hons) degree in Education. 

Serena has 15-years experience working across primary and further education, nursery to post-16. She also has 12-years experience in youth work, as well as over 20-years parenting experience. 

In addition to teaching from the early years and primary curriculum, Serena has experience teaching children with disabilities and complex needs across primary and post-16 education. 


Serena’s experience extends further to delivering speech and language sessions as well as occupational therapy sessions. 

Serena enjoys writing, reading, listening to podcasts, and spending quality time with her family. 

Fun fact: Serena’s favourite sound in the world is children laughing

Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment will you need?

We will require an interactive whiteboard and x2 USB ports.

Can you do back to back sessions?

We can offer back to back sessions but will need a 15 minute break between sessions. 

Do we have to purchase the book directly from Amazon?

You will receive your signed copies of the book on the day of your workshop.

Can it be a group of mixed ages?

You can choose to customise your package. The workshop is better suited for years 1,2 and 3 but all year groups can benefit.

Can we meet JamJam?

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible. But you can find out about JamJam through our social media platforms.
Instagram @JamJamCan


Do you offer after school workshops for parents and children?

Yes, we offer workshops to meet whatever your school requires. We are open to exploring new ideas and willing to customise packages to meet your school’s needs.

Reach Us

Send us an email and contact us directly and we will get back to you within the next 48 hours

London, UK

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